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k™iLLER^1 RM-588 By itZoM™ With Kulu1989
Released Worldwide 09-01.2011
Counting Stopped @ 4000 Downloads
Confused Among So Many CFW.More Than 4000 People Can't Be Wrong.For The 1st Time In DailyMobile I'll let You Show My File manager To See The Real Downloading Counter.
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Credits: Xpecially To PNHT Team & itZoM™,& all my DM friends
k™iLLER^1 By itZoM™ is one of the Best C6 CFW ever made.This CFW was made by me
for my personal use after a lot of research.I want to share with my community members instead
of a feedback only.So anyway this cfw for those who want their phone fully styl·ized &
customized.100% effort to give it official look with next level of customization..
CFW information
Name: k™iLLER^1
Model compatibility: Nokia 5230/5235 RM-588 Only
Base firmware: Nokia C6 v20 ported by PNHT
Languages: English Only
From My Phone
Change-log With All Exclusive Modifications
Best Changes in Themes & Effects
* Fibre Hot By itZoM™
* white King By itZoM™
* Wild dots By itZoM™
* Black Eye By itZoM™
* Milky By itZoM™
* Red Hat By itZoM™
* Best Possible effects were modded by me to make your experience greater & Make your Phone Stylish.
* Disable it,to get a faster phone.
Screens modifications
Ovi splash & default nokia animation screen was added at start up & shut down to give it fully Nokia official look.
Ovi Maps 3.06 Beta
* Google Maps & Location On GPS folder
* Gps Mode For faster Updation of location.
Hardware & Firmware improvements
* CPU fps was increased to give you smooth phone experience.
* Run Maximum Apps at a single time,Max Tested-22
* Phone's heap size was increased to close/open applications faster.
* All Cache moved to E/ including system to get faster & great phone memory
* Starter files were improved.
* Clock, Calendar, Camera and Logs really exit after closing.
* Sim Contacts are as default.
* Restart Button On Power button Menu.
* TTPord added to Music Menu
* Default 3*4 menu used again to give official look
* Default Key guard time Increased to 45 sec & you can control your key-guard by adjusting Back light timeout.<60sec max>
* As forever phone is hacked using install server.exe
* Now phone's lights go out after 30 seconds.
* Now you're able to have 5 shortcuts.
* Nokia Notification added in widgets.
* Default File Manager Can send Everything.
* Fastest possible Kinetic Scrolling
* No lagging in popup menu
* Ultra touch response Moded by me
* Key lock/unlock Vibration off
* Initially 64mb free & 51mb After opening all Apps.
* Max Battery up to 3 days on standby using default Config.
* Ovi Music not removed,so as to get your Unlimited music on 5235 Mobiles,you can create shortcut for it.
Web browser
* Search Is not removed as to let you search directly from web browser
* Cache moved to e/
* Rotate Browser option in display view while browsing.
* Java update 2.1 added.
Music player
* Music player only scans for E:\Music.
* See TTpod in music menu.You need to install it.
Photos and Camera
* Camera Exit Fully after exit
* Video option instead of flash lite
* Video quality Highly increased
* Photo Application reads only E/images
Embedded Applications
* Conversations app from Vivaz
* RomPatcher 2.6+
* Nokia Notifications
* FileBrowser
* AutoInstaller with new icon
* Bt Switch with new icon
* Message Reder Fully Working
Recommended Applications
* TTPod
* Opera Mobile
* Patches for RomPatcher+
* Kill Me to Auto caching of back ground Applications.
Removed applications
* Converter
* Ovi Contacts
* Chat
* Adobe Reader
* QuickOffice
* About
* Here and Now
* Every Mod is fully customized,& I'm not mentioning some common mods which are in every c6_CFW as c6 Recognition in browser for better application compatibility,swipe lock...........etc.
* Fibre Hot By itZoM™
* white King By itZoM™
* Wild dots By itZoM™
* Black Eye By itZoM™
* Milky By itZoM™
* Red Hat By itZoM™
* Best Possible effects were modded by me to make your experience greater & Make your Phone Stylish.
* Disable it,to get a faster phone.
Screens modifications
Ovi splash & default nokia animation screen was added at start up & shut down to give it fully Nokia official look.
Ovi Maps 3.06 Beta
* Google Maps & Location On GPS folder
* Gps Mode For faster Updation of location.
Hardware & Firmware improvements
* CPU fps was increased to give you smooth phone experience.
* Run Maximum Apps at a single time,Max Tested-22
* Phone's heap size was increased to close/open applications faster.
* All Cache moved to E/ including system to get faster & great phone memory
* Starter files were improved.
* Clock, Calendar, Camera and Logs really exit after closing.
* Sim Contacts are as default.
* Restart Button On Power button Menu.
* TTPord added to Music Menu
* Default 3*4 menu used again to give official look
* Default Key guard time Increased to 45 sec & you can control your key-guard by adjusting Back light timeout.<60sec max>
* As forever phone is hacked using install server.exe
* Now phone's lights go out after 30 seconds.
* Now you're able to have 5 shortcuts.
* Nokia Notification added in widgets.
* Default File Manager Can send Everything.
* Fastest possible Kinetic Scrolling
* No lagging in popup menu
* Ultra touch response Moded by me
* Key lock/unlock Vibration off
* Initially 64mb free & 51mb After opening all Apps.
* Max Battery up to 3 days on standby using default Config.
* Ovi Music not removed,so as to get your Unlimited music on 5235 Mobiles,you can create shortcut for it.
Web browser
* Search Is not removed as to let you search directly from web browser
* Cache moved to e/
* Rotate Browser option in display view while browsing.
* Java update 2.1 added.
Music player
* Music player only scans for E:\Music.
* See TTpod in music menu.You need to install it.
Photos and Camera
* Camera Exit Fully after exit
* Video option instead of flash lite
* Video quality Highly increased
* Photo Application reads only E/images
Embedded Applications
* Conversations app from Vivaz
* RomPatcher 2.6+
* Nokia Notifications
* FileBrowser
* AutoInstaller with new icon
* Bt Switch with new icon
* Message Reder Fully Working
Recommended Applications
* TTPod
* Opera Mobile
* Patches for RomPatcher+
* Kill Me to Auto caching of back ground Applications.
Removed applications
* Converter
* Ovi Contacts
* Chat
* Adobe Reader
* QuickOffice
* About
* Here and Now
* Every Mod is fully customized,& I'm not mentioning some common mods which are in every c6_CFW as c6 Recognition in browser for better application compatibility,swipe lock...........etc.
v40 will rock with this CFW